Tuesday, September 7, 2010

lets see..

what did i have today?....diet coke. lol  1/2 chicken with lemon and garlic and rice and sauce.  i also had a bunch of cantaloupe.  i know i had something else but i don't remember lol.  its late and i'm sleepy :)

1 comment:

  1. Just tell me what the useful of your blog ?
    just show us that you eat best kind of food ? or what ?

    I can't understand your culture ?

    Children in Africa can't find water to drink ? did you was thinking about them ?

    did you thought for a moment about old people whom don't have a family and can't find the food and can't work to live ?

    who are you ?
    you are selfish
    keep eat pork until you be like Pig
    after a few kilos you will be
    i say this because you put your life in all social websites ,so why always we remember our self and never remember others ?

    sorry Mandy , it is the true
    you all we should carry the humanity message for us for our future
